Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Cleveland Browns
New York Giants
Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings
Jacksonville Jaguars
Indianapolis Colts
Cincinatti Bengals
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers
Seattle Seahawks
St. Louis Rams
Dallas Cowboys
New England Patriots
Denver Broncos (35 points)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Baltimore Ravens
Detroit Lions
Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings
San Diego Chargers
Indianapolis Colts
Cincinatti Bengals
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers
Seattle Seahawks
St. Louis Rams
Washington Redskins
Buffalo Bills (my wife picks this inspite - since I'm a huge Patriots fan! grr)
Tennessee Titans (48 points)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Cleveland Browns
New York Giants
Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings
San Diego Chargers
Indianapolis Colts
Cincinatti Bengals
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers
Chicago Bears
San Francisco 49ers
Washington Redskins (apparently some huge redskins fan, pffft)
New England Patriots
Denver Broncos (38 points)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Cleveland Browns
Detroit Lions
Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings
San Diego Chargers
Indianapolis Colts
Cincinatti Bengals
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers
Chicago Bears
St. Louis Rams
Dallas Cowboys
New England Patriots
Tennessee Titans (31 points)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Week 11 player picks
Posted by
A Furious Mind
11:15 PM
20/20 no more
A few years ago I had perfect vision. The last time I was tested was in the Marine Corps when I was interested in the Scout Sniper program. Definitely need perfect vision for that sort of job.
Now, I've slowly noticed that my vision has gone to crap. I've been arguing with myself and anyone else who said I can't see. "I SEE JUST FINE!" But after today I realized that my vision really is bad.
I was driving in the car with my wife and there were two high school kids walking down the street towards us. The one on the right was a girl and the one on the left was a girl.
The closer and closer we get I realized that the one on the left was not a girl but an emo-attired guy. (rubs eyes)
I don't understand some fads. But this wasn't a fictional story for an attempt at humor. It really did happen.
I miss the days of clean cut people. Call me old fashioned. (waits)
Ok, now that you have that out of your system.
... Call me old fashioned, but I really feel that people need to clean themselves up. Some exceptions do apply. For guys of course. Unshaven girls.... ick.
So I just showed The Fury Wife this blog and showed her the picture I used for the emo kid. Her response was "Did she know that you used her picture?" ROFL "WHAT?! Is it a boy? I don't have my glasses on!"
The Fury wife strikes again!
Posted by
A Furious Mind
10:53 PM
Chavez + Nuclear = Rot roh Shaggy!
The Story.
I should file this under something that I should have saw coming but for some reason didn't. Especially after the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, visited New York last month and stopped off in Latin America afterwards.
You know the conversation had to go like this:
Ahmadinejad:Can you believe they applauded me? Haha.
Chavez:They pretty much buy every word that you're saying.
Ahmadinejad:You should start a nuclear program too. Say it's for peace like I'm doing and
this way we'll sneak up on the Americans when they least expect it and nuke
their entire country.
Chavez:You know, that's a brilliant idea. And with yours and Russias help we should be able to obtain this technology with little effort.
Chavez & Ahmadinejad:HAHAHAHA
It's actually pretty scary. There have always been enemies of the United States. But there has always been little threat to our soil. Regardless of what we do with our foreign policy and ideals. Right or wrong we have enemies that envy, hate, loathe, despise us. And for them to go nuclear, is beyond scary.
Prepare for sanctions and actual battles with Venezuela like you see with Iran. It's a non stop struggle.
Also since this blog is new, I tend to try to predict things. One that you have missed that I told my wife a couple years ago. Oil will reach $100 a barrel by the end of 2007.
Well here you go, here's another prediction I've been telling my wife for a few months now. Oil will reach $200 a barrel by the end of 2008 and gas will cost up to $6 a gallon. The United States will be in a fight with Iran, defending Israel on a preemptive strike on Iran before they were able to release a nuke. This will cause oil prices to go up.
A much later prediction, oil will reach $250 a barrel by 2010 after fighting Venezuela thanks to Hugo Chavez. Gas will reach $7.50 a gallon. Ick $105 to fill up my 14 gallon car a week!
Posted by
A Furious Mind
3:15 PM
Sexiest Man Alive
So People magazine has named their Sexiest man alive this year. And the winner is...
OOOPS, wrong picture.
Is it me or does this guy still have that "what's going on" look on his face? If that's sexy, then call me Brad Pitt. (Fight Club Brad, not Mr. and Mrs. Smith Brad)
Now my wife says that he really is an attractive man, since I don't swing that way I'll take her word for it. But is this my competition? Ladies watch out, A Furious Mind is on the loose, rawr.
I still can't get over his part in Team America: World Police (Love that movie!). I've probably over used that "Matt Damon" line way too much since the movie was released but it was great. Everytime I wan't to tease someone for being slow or dumb, here comes my "Matt Damon" line. I should make a suggestion to Websters to get that put into the dictionary.
Hey, they added D'oh! to the dictionary from the simpsons, I have a shot!
Posted by
A Furious Mind
2:56 PM
Dear Kettle, you're black. Love Pot.
The Senator Hillary Clinton camp today called Mitt Romney a flip-flopper on the issues.
I know, I know. The words are a bit vulgar but come on, how accurate is that? Well, I don't see a Mormon using those kind of words, but still. I'm sure he's so dumbfounded that he's drinking a coke right now.
Honestly though, she's flipped so many times that I've become cross-eyed and now walk in circles. (Sorry if anyone of you have family members who do this =\ )
Posted by
A Furious Mind
11:33 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ron Paul's Tea Party '07
On December 16th, 1773, American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an oppressive tax. This December 16th, American citizens will dump millions of dollars into the Ron Paul presidential campaign to protest the oppressive and unconstitutional inflation tax - which has enabled a flawed foreign policy, a costly war and the sacrificing of our liberties here at home.
Go to the website and donate if you can! Ron Paul is a little under $4million away from his $12million goal by December 31st.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
11:33 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Pwnt!, Karma, HAHAHA and...
...Other words that describe how I feel about Barry Bonds.
Alright first lets get the Obvious and the Humor out of the way shall we?
Barry Bonds as a rookie. HA-HA! I know it's completely wrong for me to laugh at that picture but I can't help but pop a stitch or two on it.
Now lets point out the obvious. Here's a picture of Barry as a Rookie with the Pittsburgh Pirates and here's a recent picture of him as a San Francisco Giant. The difference is HUGE, and his transformation from one body build to the other was so accelerated that it had to be done with enhancers.
I grew up around baseball, I was nearly drafted 1st round with the Orioles until I blew out my shoulder. I know the difference between users and non-users. This guy is definitely a user and I've been saying it since he made his change. Hell, I still remember the phone conversation my father and I had when we first noticed it.
Now he's wearing long clothes but you can really tell the difference in the legs, the shoulders and under his forearm guard. They are MONSTROUS!
Now let's show a little more humor for the sh*ts and giggles.
Looks like a Richard Nixon to me. "I'm not a steroid user" (shakes head to make cheeks jiggle)
Alright and on with the story.
The reason why this case is receiving so much humor, anger and attention is due to the fact that this guy has to be one of the most arrogant and belligerent people in the public eye of sports.
The lies are small. Really small but the main lie is HUGE.
Question: Did he take steroids?
Question:Anything like that at all?
Bonds:"No, I wasn't at all."
If this guy would have just sacked up, listened to the court and not perjured himself, he would have stayed jail free. Now he's going to most likely be buddying up with O.J. Simpson in prison instead of just being a baseball outcast like Pete Rose. (I love you Pete! You've been wronged!)
Lesson learned kiddies. Don't be like Britney Spears and Barry Bonds. Oh and Lindsey Lohan, definitely avoid being like her... and Chris Crocker. Okay that's all I promise! Mel Gibson.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
11:14 PM
Let's play chess, shall we?
Remember when I said that my blogs will sometimes contain speculation? Well here you go, your dose of spec- with a dash of -ulation. Enjoy it.
You ever play the game of chess? Or know the history of chess? Chess was a tool created by the Indians (from India - people) for warfare strategy, mathematical calculations, gambling and even its vague assocation with astronomy.
So how can we associate this with todays world? Who is todays real threat to our way of life? (Yes there is one, despite what you may think) Here's how I think things are playing out.
Late 1990's and Early 2000's your government learns about a potential threat to hijack American planes and crash them into buildings. Heck, numerous intelligence agencies claimed to have warned our government of the pending attacks. Whether it's true or not is up to you to decide.
So what are the negatives to this action if these terrorists succeed? You lose anywhere between 1,000 to 5,000 innocent American Lives.
What are the positives if this action takes place? (In Government terms) You give the American people the fuel to light the fire. An attack on American soil gives you full power to take care of whatever it is you need to take care of. Sound familiar? Pearl Harbor. Yea, I'm one of those that believe Pearl Harbor was known by our government well in advance and left outof the loop for a reason. Why? Because no one in the U.S., including our politicians, wanted to go into the world war in Europe?
Do I think it was right? Yes, and let me tell you why. If these sorts of things did not happen then we'd all have funny short mustaches (girls too! ha-ha) and our national language would be German.
The fact of the matter was the Germans were kicking the sh*t out of Europe and they were taking England and placing them over their knee and spanking them unrelentlessly. The Brits were being destroyed in every fashion of warfare. Even to the point that our American pilots would volunteer to go over to England to fly for the RAF (Royal Air Force).
So what's the next step after Hitler obliterates Europe and eliminates all the Jews? You think he would stop there and be content? NO! He would have continued over to America, with undefeatable forces to invade with.
So FDR had a very difficult decision to make. His entire country was against war, his government was against war but he knew in his heart that we had to enter this war or be annihilated ourselves. FDR gets word of an attack on US soil and he decides to let the Japanese attack, kill 3,000 American sailors and Marines, and enters our country into WWII.
Now fast forward to today. Our country faces multiple threats and on a nuclear scale. We allow 9/11 to happen which launches us into a Global War on Terrorism with the American peoples full support.Look into Rebuilding America's Defenses.
So in terms of chess, the enemies of America are the white pieces and America are the black pieces. The white strikes first and flies planes into our buildings which killed over 3,000 innocent civilians.
We trace the culprit, Osama bin laden, to Afghanistan. Hrm, what a convenient location. Afghanistan borders Iran to the east.
White pawn - Afghanistan
After you take care of the local government, which albeit was a very bad and controlling one, you set up bases in the country and control the skies. Then you make your next move.
Our pawn takes a two square leap this time and moves into Iraq. You make up some stories which at the time may be true if you know anything about the past. Did Saddam have WMD's in the past? yes (although no nuclear, WMD's include biological and chemical - he used them and was hanged because of it). So this is an easy story to sell.
Now look at that, we're working towards stablizing Iraq, we have numerous bases within the country and we have conveniently placed ourselves to the west and east of our main threat. Iran. We're even a buffer for Israel by placing ourselves in the middle of Iran and Israel. Kind of like a big brother would do if he saw his little brother being picked on. Now that's one hell of a chess move if you ask me. Where is your enemies King going to go?
Of course this is all speculation and one man's opinion on how things are going down. You don't have to buy it at all or you can take it into your arsenal in anti-war blogging. It just seems to be very interesting to me on how things are playing out.
Iran is definitely a threat. A threat to the middle east, a threat to our allies, a threat to our country. They have help as well, and as things are also playing out, our old cold war villains are assisting them. I won't link you any articles on those items, you can google it and find tons of articles to support it. Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map, they're building towards a "peaceful nuclear program", they support terrorism (hizbollah).
So if you look at things this way, Do I agree with invading Afghanistan? yes. Do I agree with invading Iraq? no, but look at the positioning of our pawn. Do I agree with preemptive war? yes and no, if things play out the way I think they are then yes, anything to protect my kids. I'm not a big fan of Islam and speaking farsi.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
5:18 PM
Vet suicides on the rise
Vet suicides are on the rise a CBS study shows. As a former Marine I know of the stresses that our military has to go through. And when I returned home from my deployment I was definitely changed for the rest of my life.
Paul Rieckhoff, a former Marine and founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America:
"Not everyone comes home from the war wounded, but the bottom line is nobody comes home unchanged"
Now my problems are probably no where near as bad as these Vets but it's been no picnic either. And i'm sure my wife can definitely agree to that. My problems range from mild to severe Panic and Anxiety attacks. Something that has changed
me forever.
For the first year or two I had issues staying awake, I'd stay awake for four hours then fall asleep for another four, this went on for about two weeks straight.
I also felt like I was dying in one form or another every day. All my senses seemed to be turned on to max. So if I was ill, it felt like I had the plague. If I had a heart flutter, it felt like I was about to have a heart attack. The list goes on.
I have been given medication for this problem and I have gotten better since
the first times coming home. But I don't always use the medication. I don't want
to be dependant on a drug. That's not how I'm supposed to be.
God bless our troops and I hope all of them manage to cope with the struggles
we have to put up with. I love every single one of you.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
3:51 PM
The Fury Wife Strikes Back!
queue the epic empire music. Dun dun dun, dun nun nun, dun nun nun. DUN...

Yesterday we went to the store and I dropped her off in front to run in really quick to pick up some items. Here's how the conversation took place.
The Fury Wife:
Can I have your wallet please?
The Fury Wife:Yea, I suppose.
I feel like I'm a thief who is stealing your wallet.
You are!
The next day she gives me back my wallet and it's completely empty! Lesson learned, don't give your wife your wallet when it has cards and cash in it.

Posted by
A Furious Mind
3:02 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Week 11 Match-ups

Alright folks, week 11 is upon us. This will be the week that we redeem ourselves from that highly unpredictable week last batch. Let's see if we can keep the upsets down to a minimum this time around. Hopefully I wont suck it up so bad this time, hehe.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (5-4) @ Atlanta Falcons (3-6)
Cleveland Browns (5-4) @ Baltimore Ravens (4-5)
New York Giants (6-3) @ Detroit Lions (6-3)
Miami Dolphins (0-9) @ Philadelphia Eagles (4-5)
Oakland Raiders (2-7) @ Minnesota Vikings (3-6)
San Diego Chargers (5-4) @ Jacksonville Jaguars (6-3)
Kansas City Chiefs (4-5) @ Indianapolis Colts (7-2)
Arizona Cardinals (4-5) @ Cincinatti Bengals (3-6)
Carolina Panthers (4-5) @ Green Bay Packers (8-1)
New Orleans Saints (4-5) @ Houston Texans (4-5)
Pittsburgh Steelers (7-2) @ New York Jets (1-8)
Chicago Bears (4-5) @ Seattle Seahawks (5-4)
St. Louis Rams (1-8) @ San Francisco 49ers (2-7)
Washington Redskins (5-4) @ Dallas Cowboys (8-1)
New England Patriots (9-0) @ Buffalo Bills (5-4)
Posted by
A Furious Mind
5:43 PM
Ron Paul Supporters...terrorists?
V for Ron Paul?
Apparently Glenn Beck feels that the recent record setting donation drive for Dr. Ron Paul, which took place on the 5th of November, makes all Ron Paul supporters terrorists.
Since Ron Paul has started his campaign the media has had nothing really bad to about RP.
A little info on this 5th of November "money bomb" which broke records: There was a movie out not too long ago called 'V for Vendetta' starring Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving.
The Plot: Set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V For Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked vigilante known only as "V." Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he detonates two London landmarks and takes over the government-controlled airwaves, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression. As Evey uncovers the truth about V's mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself - and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plot to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption.
We can all imagine what it would be like living in that sort of country. (Patriot Act, GW Bush, yea...)
The main character in the movie who was genetically enhanced from his government experimenting on him, used a real life terrorist by the name of Guy Fawkes who lived in the 1600's as a model for his revolution.
Guy Fawkes who was a terrorist for trying to blow up British parliment to kill James I and reshape Englands government. He attempted this terrorist act on the 5th of november. The character "V" used this persona to carry out his reshaping of the hitler type government that was choking society with their "Finger men" (Secret Police) kidnapping anyone who may be against their way and disposing of a countries culture. In the movie V made his decision to blow up Parliment on the 5th of November as a symbol to his people to wake up and make their government afraid of them, not the other way around. In short - Great movie and I recommend to you, check it out if you haven't already.
Fast forward to Gleen Beck - his guests on the show - and Ron Paul. Apparently Glenn Beck got the opportunity he was looking for. Telling people that Ron Paul set up this "Money Bomb" which he did not. Saying that Ron Paul is exactly like Guy Fawkes which he is not. He left out some key points in his ramblings about Ron Paul, this donation drive and the movie V for Vendetta. He actually didn't really mention the movie at all and just connected the dots directly to Guy Fawkes and bypassed the movie. God, I wonder what connection Glenn Beck is going to make for the Veterans Day "Money Bomb".
It's also fact that the U.S. Military Personnel have donated more money to Ron Paul then to any politician running for president. So is Glenn Beck calling our boys and girls in uniform terrorists as well? I think he should rethink his point on this topic and stop with the propaganda.
Watch the movie Glenn Beck. Actually talk to RP supporters and see that it had nothing to do with domestic terrorism but change for America. RP Supporters used a popular movie with similiar circumstances as a premise to help their cause. Don't be afraid of a movement like this - respect it and be impressed as most of us are.
Watch the video of the discussion below.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
10:23 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Check out the Irony
Timesonline UK - Mohsen Yahyavi
Posted by
A Furious Mind
9:03 PM
A New Puppy
WOOOOT! Finally!








Posted by
A Furious Mind
8:10 PM
Week 10 Winner
Congrats to Deb for kicking butt this week on an extremely tough week. So many upsets and games that should have not been. Screw you Colts. =(
Monday Night Football - Seattle 24 vs. San Francisco 0
Player Picks:
- Deb: 9-5 (24 points)
- Ian: 9-5 (40 points)
- Danielle: 8-6 (35 points)
- Eiad: 8-6
- Rob: 8-6
- David: 6-8 (41 points)
- Tricia: 6-8
- Liz: 5-9
- Jaworski: 8-6
- Salisbury: 7-7
- Schlereth: 7-7
- Mortensen: 7-7
- Golic: 7-7
- Wickersham: 6-8
- Hoge: 6-8
- Allen: 6-8
- Accuscore: 6-8
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:54 PM
Week 10 player picks
Green Bay
Kansas City
New Orleans
Seattle (41 points)
Green Bay
Kansas City
New Orleans
Seattle (44 points)
Green Bay
St. Louis
New York Giants
Seattle (44 points)
Green Bay
New Orleans
San Diego
Seattle (35 points)
Green Bay
New Orleans
Seattle (24 points)
Green Bay
Kansas City
New Orleans
New York Giants
Seattle (43 points)
Green Bay
Kansas City
New Orleans
Seattle (42 points)
Green Bay
New Orleans
San Diego
Seattle (40 points)
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:43 PM
Week 10 Match-ups
I know this posting is a little late and after the fact, but I'm using this as a template for the rest of the year.
Atlanta Falcons (2-6) @ Carolina Panthers (4-4)
Minnesota Vikings (3-5) @ Green Bay Packers (7-1)
Denver Broncos (3-5) @ Kansas City Chiefs (4-4)
Buffalo Bills (4-4) @ Miami Dolphins (0-8)
St. Louis Rams (0-8) @ New Orleans Saints (4-4)
Cleveland Browns (5-3) @ Pittsburgh Steelers (6-2)
Jacksonville Jaguars (5-3) @ Tennessee Titans (6-2)
Philadelphia Eagles (3-5) @ Washington Redskins (5-3)
Cincinatti Bengals (2-6) @ Baltimore Ravens (4-4)
Detroit Lions (6-2) @ Arizona Cardinals (3-5)
Dallas Cowboys (7-1) @ New York Giants (6-2)
Chicago Bears (3-5) @ Oakland Raiders (2-6)
Indianapolis Colts (7-1) @ San Diego Chargers (4-4)
San Francisco 49ers (2-6) @ Seattle Seahawks (4-4) (PICK YOUR SCORE)
Here are your Week 10 picks. Remember to pick the total score for MNF. (ex: 24 to 10 = 34 points)
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:32 PM
Women will rule the world...
...Because they psychologically assault man on a daily basis.
I know it's been some time since i've last posted and I apologize for that. It's been one hell of a hectic month for my family and I. So we decided to take some time away from things and reorganize life. PHEW! It helped.
So to get back into the swing of things I figured I would write a post about my wife and how much I love her. Oh, and how much she boggles my mind on a daily basis.
So we decided we didn't want to spend one minute in the house yesterday. We've been pretty cooped up for a while and wanted to enjoy the nice weather outside. So we start driving with no agenda which my wife loves to do frequently. So we're driving along and I decided to head towards the freeway and asked my wife where she would like to go. She had no clue and just said I haven't made up my mind yet and she'll let me know.
Since i'm navigating with little help on this adventure I hop on the 410 heading towards downtown and hop onto the I-10 from there heading north. We drive for a little bit and then she chastised my directional ability and this is a direct quote;
"You know you're going the complete long way. You could have taken San Pedro and gotten there a lot quicker.
WOW! I was dumbfounded for a good 2 minutes. I couldn't say a word at all. So I say in a humorous voice, "GOT WHERE QUICKER?" ha-ha. First I've asked her where she wanted to go and she had no clue, so I drive in random directions and I'm told i'm going the wrong way. Women are the funniest creatures on Earth and at times I love it and at other times it boggles my mind.
I know my wife doesn't read my blog very much. (not into the political thing) So I can admit this freely... I knew where she wanted to go before she said it. We've got that good of a relationship where I think what she's thinking and vice versa. And I know the route I was taking was the longer way. We had an entire day to kill so who cares, hehe. But I wont let her know that. I have to keep my ammo for teasing her at all times. =D
...sigh, women.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:22 PM
Definitely a religion of peace
I get to thinking sometimes, which I probably shouldn't do. I'm a very open minded person but an old saying comes to mind and I have to wonder, "A picture is worth a thousand words". It's one thing to say that Islam is a religion of peace and say that a small minority are the only ones preaching hate and my favorite, "Just because i'm muslim doesn't make me a terrorist"
And I would tend to agree with those comments but going back to the picture being worth a thousand words, i tend to disagree sometimes. It's just a little frustrating. I want to show some pictures and point out some examples:
Well this guy is just plain crazy. You figure one bad person making a bold statement. But you can really see the hate in his eyes beneath that cover. And the main thing that gets me thinking is that there's not a tiny crowd behind him. There's quite a few people back there that look of every age and sex. Qur'an in one hand a grendate in the other. I wonder what Americans would say if a guy in a trucker hat went to a protest with a rifle in one hand and the bible in the other. I wonder what the cops would do. Two different worlds.
Women of their culture praising the acts of one of the most ruthless men in the history of the world. This is very disturbing to see.
Now you figure these guys are protesting hate in their country for those "infidels" in the west. Now I don't know about those other people but i've personally seen just about all the beheading videos and it's probably the most viscious and horrible way to die. I infact wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Now taking a closer look at this picture and you see that they aren't in a muslim city. I'm no expert but it looks more like England or thereabouts. You can tell by the policemen standing guard for the protest and the clothes the muslim males are wearing. How terrifying is it to see people protest your death by beheading in our own country.
Yes, I agree 100% when people on the news and advocates for Muslim rights say that they only attack us because we occupy their land or stick our noses in their affairs. That's obviously the only thing happening. It has nothing to do with a war that's been raging on for a thousand years. Might as well leave, pull down our pants, grab our ankles and pray to allah.
This has nothing to do with religion just invasion of space. Jihad definitely means "You're crowding our space" Nothing to do with "Holy War". If the Americans and western civilizations are doing one thing over there in the middle east is spreading democracy and not religion. Yet they are calling for a Holy War. hrm..
So if a picture is worth a thousand words, what are these pictures telling us? It's definitely not telling us that it's our fault. Seemed to be planned a long time ago and taught from generation to generation for hundreds of years.
Infidels definition:
"a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever."
hrm, i'm pretty sure I have religious faith. It's like "convert to Islam or you will perish" Hrm. this reminds me of something... what is it? OH YEA!
A FREAKIN BORG! Resistance is futile. They were all about peace and keeping to themselves
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:18 PM
Rurban Legendiani
Ground Zero, November 2001: Fire fighters, officers and families rally against Giuliani's decision to stop a dignified recovery of the victims of 9/11. Photo by Stuart Ramson/Associated Press
Here's a blog i wrote not too long ago before I made this blogspot website. Enjoy
Hello Friends. In this letter is some information that everyone should be aware of. Not everyone is aware of it and I find it upon myself to inform as many as possible. Rudy Giuliani is a crowd favorite for his heroism on September 11, 2001. But what if those people who he was supposed to be heroes to didn't like him?
Rudy Giuliani at the present time is the front runner for the Republican Party for President in 2008. I myself have been ashamed of our current Republican elected officials. But that does not mean I dont see light at the end of the tunnel. There's changes to be made for this country and I believe that those changes are to be made by the Republican Party.
I by no means want to see a Democrat elected, just the right person elected. I want this country to have the best person for President and not the best party. Below is a letter of explanation from the IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters) on why they did not extend and invitation to Rudy Giuliani on a presidential forum. Giuliani was the only one not extended an invite and the reasons are below. Thank you Ladies and Gentleman for your time.
Please also check out this website about Rudy Giuliani which has videos from family members of fallen fire fighters on 9/11 and why they dont want Rudy for president.
Firefighters Union Letter On Rudy Giuliani
March 8, 2007
On March 14, 2007, the IAFF will host the first bi-partisan Presidential Forum of the 2008 election cycle. No other union and very few organizations has the credibility and respect to attract top-tier candidates from both political parties. The lineup of speakers who have agreed to participate in our Forum is truly a testament to our great union and the reputation we have built as a powerful political force and a coveted endorsement.
John Edwards, John McCain, Barack Obama, Chuck Hagel, Hillary Clinton,
Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Duncan Hunter and seven other candidates will make their case before the 1,000 delegates who will be attending the Forum and to our entire membership via same-day broadcast on our web site.
Early on, the IAFF made a decision to invite all serious candidates from both political parties — except one: former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
We made this decision after considerable soul-searching and close consultation with our two New York City affiliates, the Uniformed Firefighters Association Local 94 and the Uniformed Fire Officers Association Local 854, as well as our former Local 94 President and current IAFF 1st District Vice President covering New York.
The IAFF recognizes that Mayor Giuliani generally enjoys a favorable reputation as a result of his actions immediately after the tragedy of 9/11. As such, we want our affiliates and every one of our members to clearly understand the reason and rationale behind this very serious and sober decision.
Many people consider Rudy Giuliani "America's Mayor," and many of our members who don't yet know the real story, may also have a positive view of him. This letter is intended to make all of our members aware of the egregious acts Mayor Giuliani committed against our members, our fallen on 9/11, and our New York City union officers following that horrific day.
Rest assured, our exclusion of Mayor Giuliani is not about any particular contractual or policy issue or disagreement, nor is it based on his unfriendly relationship with our New York City affiliates prior to 9/11 — which we will document and explain in additional correspondence later on during the campaign. In fact, we invited several candidates with whom we have had substantial disagreement on policy issues because we feel very strongly that our members have the right to hear from all candidates, not just those who tow the IAFF line.
Regrettably, the situation with former Mayor Giuliani is very different. His actions post 9/11 rise to such an offensive and personal attack on our brother and sisterhood — and directly on our union — that the IAFF does not feel Rudy Giuliani deserves an audience of IAFF leaders and members at our own Presidential Forum.
The disrespect that he exhibited to our 343 fallen FDNY brothers, their families and our New York City IAFF leadership in the wake of that tragic day has not been forgiven or forgotten.
In November 2001, our members were continuing the painful, but necessary, task of searching Ground Zero for the remains of our fallen brothers and the thousands of innocent citizens that were killed, because precious few of those who died in the terrorist attacks had been recovered at that point.
Prior to November 2001, 101 bodies or remains of fire fighters had been recovered. And those on the horrible pile at Ground Zero believed they had just found a spot in the rubble where they would find countless more that could be given proper burial.
Nevertheless, Giuliani, with the full support of his Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen, decided on November 2, 2001, to sharply reduce the number of those who could search for remains at any one time. There had been as many as 300 fire fighters at a time involved in search and recovery, but Giuliani cut that number to no more than 25 who could be there at once.
In conjunction with the cut in fire fighters allowed to search, Giuliani also made a conscious decision to institute a "scoop-and-dump" operation to expedite the clean-up of Ground Zero in lieu of the more time-consuming, but respectful, process of removing debris piece by piece in hope of uncovering more remains.
Mayor Giuliani's actions meant that fire fighters and citizens who perished would either remain buried at Ground Zero forever, with no closure for families, or be removed like garbage and deposited at the Fresh Kills Landfill.
Our Local presidents at the time attempted to meet with the Mayor to stop this despicable treatment of those who perished, but he refused to even see them face-to-face.
The scoop-and-dump continued. And when hundreds of family members of the fallen joined with our affiliate leadership and members to protest Giuliani's decision, he ordered senior officers of the New York Police Department to arrest 15 of our FDNY brothers, including a number of local elected IAFF leaders.
Giuliani modified his policy after the protest because public opinion was so strongly with our members. Ultimately, he was forced to put the fire fighters back on the pile. Our protests were later proven justified as more bodies were ultimately recovered and those families given a chance for some closure and a decent burial.
Giuliani argued that the change was for our own safety, but his argument was empty and without substance. Fire fighters had been on that pile since minutes after the twin towers fell — why all of a sudden, after nearly two months working on the pile, was Giuliani concerned about fire fighter safety?
In our view, he wasn't really concerned. The fact is that the Mayor's switch to a scoop-and-dump coincided with the final removal of tens of millions of dollars of gold, silver and other assets of the Bank of Nova Scotia that were buried beneath what was once the towers. Once the money was out, Giuliani sided with the developers that opposed a lengthy recovery effort, and ordered the scoop-and-dump operation so they could proceed with redevelopment.
In the first few days immediately after the disaster, Giuliani had said he was committed to the recovery of those lost "right down to the last brick." We believed him at the time. But, what he proved with his actions is that he really meant the "last gold brick."
Giuliani crucified fire fighters after our protest and publicly stated that our members were essentially acting like babies, that they didn't have the market cornered on grief. His insensitive statements demonstrated his inability to grasp what members of the FDNY were experiencing.
What Giuliani showed is a disgraceful lack of respect for the fallen and those brothers still searching for them. He exposed our members and leaders to arrest. He valued the money and gold and wanted the site cleared before he left office at the end of 2001 more than he valued the lives and memories of those lost.
Our members deserved the right to continue with a full search for their lost brothers and other innocent victims. Proudly, as you know, the fire service has a code similar to the military, where we leave no one behind. Recovering even a piece of a turnout coat or helmet gave our FDNY brothers and sisters and the families of the fallen some small semblance of peace, something to honor. But hundreds remained entombed in Ground Zero when Giuliani gave up on them.
The fundamental lack of respect that Giuliani showed our FDNY members is unforgivable - and that's why he was not invited. Our disdain for him is not about issues or a disputed contract, it is about a visceral, personal affront to the fallen, to our union and, indeed, to every one of us who has ever risked our lives by going into a burning building to save lives and property.
We have heard from some affiliates that Giuliani's campaign is beginning to reach out to our locals, looking to build support. If you are contacted by Giuliani, Von Essen, or a representative of the Giuliani campaign, we hope you will say not just, "No," but, "Hell no." And please let the IAFF Political Affairs Department know about it by calling (202) 824-1582.
Please share this correspondence with your membership. Thank you.
Fraternally and Sincerely,
Harold A. Schaitberger, General President
Vincent J. Bollon, General Secretary-Treasurer and Past President, UFOA of NYC, Local 854
Kevin Gallagher, IAFF 1st District Vice President and Past President, UFA of NYC, Local 94
Stephen Cassidy, President, UFA of NYC, Local 94
Peter Gorman, President, UFOA of NYC, Local 854 Written by IAFF
Below is a video of the IAFF and Firefighter members of the NYFD. More videos can be found if you search youtube
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:11 PM
Hitler in New Form
So i've been doing some reading recently and I stumbled upon one of my favorite radio personalities website, Michael Savage, and recent attacks against his Freedom of Speech. Granted he can be a little "too honest" in his opinions but I don't find him wrong majority of the time. I do agree that the illegal immigration subject is a touchy one with a lot of emotions going around but there's a lot of changes that need to be made as soon as possible.
Recently the San Francisco Supervisor of the 11th district, Gerardo Sandoval, is attempting to introduce a resolution condeming Michael Savage and getting him fired. This same supervisor has also made a lot of "Anti-Americanism" comments in his tenure as an elected official.
While as a guest on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" he was asked numerous questions and he was given NUMEROUS opportunities to amend his comment and he refused. And when off camera he threw insults calling the hosts "rude and rabid".
Alan Colmes asked:
Should we not have a military?
Sandoval replied:
I don't think we should have a military
The entire show conversation can be viewed here.
On top of his Anti-americanism comments previously stated he also is an advocate of making sure Americans are responsible for paying for the Green Cards and Citizenships of illegal immigrants and in the previously stated talk show made comments that if the "Republican law makers in Washington D.C." pass an immigration law asking for the arrest of people who cater or hire illegal immigrants that he would make sure he would tell his police to ignore those laws promoting lawlessness and Anarchy
Further articles from Judi McLeod from the Canada Free Press on Gerardo Sandoval can be found here and has also dubbed this supervisor "Scan-doval".
On top of his atrocities, on August 12th 2002, Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval and other San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to commend Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on his dedication to democracy which can be found here. The commendation can be found on Agenda #021415 which is toward the bottom of the page. As most of you may know Hugo Chavez has been the leader in his region of American hate and threats.
Watch the video below of the conversation above courtesy of Youtube
Posted by
A Furious Mind
7:02 PM
Shrek Ogre M&M's
I've always been a big fan of Shrek and have been to occasionally crack down on some M&M's. Here's a funny video I found from youtube with their promotional Ogre sized M&M's. Good. Stuff.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
6:59 PM
He vs. She
I can't say that I'm really a fan of either candidate but this was a comical video a friend sent me to check out. I definitely felt it was worth showing others. I found humor in it.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
6:58 PM