You know I really have to say, as a former apathetic voter. I'm insanely impressed with the initiatives this grassroots are taking to get Ron Paul elected. Here are a few examples that I've discovered just today alone. They're phenomenal.
The first one I came across was an awesome idea and full credit goes to her.
What would you like for Xmas? Toys? Food? Clothes? Shoes? How about Freedom? That's the best gift that I could think of that I'd want for christmas. Instead of buying me these materialistic things, can you please go to and donate whatever money it was you were going to spend on his official campaign site. Print out the confirmation page and wrap it up and give it to me for christmas! I'd love freedom for this holiday!
Another idea that's going to be a huge undertaking but could be a great benefit to the Ron Paul Campaign: is going to be a two(2)day concert with any band willing to play music to benefit the Ron Paul campaign. It's a woodstock like event and would be a huge boost towards donations for Dr. Ron Paul!
Another one I stumbled upon was a friendly competition between Ron Paul supporters at It's exactly how it sounds, it's a pyramid scheme but without the money involved.
This is how it works, You get one undecided voter to commit to voting for Dr. Paul and he becomes apart of your network. Then he gets one, and he gets one and so on, so on and on and on. Although I really feel they should have a prize for the winner, like a meeting with Dr. Ron Paul himself.
Now I dont think any of these ideas came from the Ron Paul campaign, so that kind of prize would be kinda difficult to obtain, but it would be so worth it!
And the last one I saw today, this last idea was great. I believe someone has purchased around 700,000 Iowa voters addresses who are undecided. These guys want to get the Ron Paul meetup groups to write 100 letters each to reach that 700,000 goal. But here's the spin:
They are not printed out letters, just mailed to whoever. They are hand written letters, where you can leave your email and discuss the campaign with these people with. Or you can just hand write it and leave it at that!
I have personally signed up to do 120 letters and I plan on getting it done in a weeks time.
Eric Turner (310) 204-2733
Email the guy or call him to get the info you need to get this set up. Send that info to your meetup groups!
Digg this story, or fark, del.ic.ious..... whatever it is you do.I have a bookmark at the bottom of this article to do it with.
This way we can spread the word of these great ideas to more people off of myspace and my blog!
Once again, great work guys. Not even the Mainstream media can stop this kind of movement!
Sincerely yours and humbled,
A Furious Mind (Dave)
UPDATE: (This story has already been dug and Keep an eye out when you submit so you dont thin out the diggs, etc. Thanks!!)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Ron Paul grassroot initiatives
Posted by
A Furious Mind
11:32 PM
Freedom of Speech is under attack
yeaaa, that's about the best I can do with text for Emergency sounds. Here, let's use some images to help my lack of imagination.
I could have gone with a village peoples video with the cop guy, but I thought i'd spare you.
Now i'm not going to go into great detail about this new attack on our Freedom of Speech. But the H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism act of 2007 is a very serious matter. It's very cleaverly written so if myself could be arrested for writing bad things about the Bush Administration. BIG BROTHER HERE WE COME!
Here is a two part video clip that you must watch. And there will be a petition at the bottom of this article to read and sign. If you value your freedom of speech, please do so! There are other ways to combat homegrown terrorism then this act.
and the conclusion:
To: U.S. Senate
On April 19th of this year, a resolution entitled "H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007" was introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives and sponsored by:
Rep. Jane Harman [D-CA]; Rep. Christopher Carney [D-PA]; Del. Donna Christensen [D-VI]; Rep. Yvette Clarke [D-NY]; Rep. Charles Dent [R-PA]; Rep. Norman Dicks [D-WA]; Rep. Al Green [D-TX]; Rep. James Langevin [D-RI]; Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA]; Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY]; Rep. Daniel Lungren [R-CA]; Rep. Ed Perlmutter [D-CO]; Rep. Ted Poe [R-TX]; Rep. Dave Reichert [R-WA]; and Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS].
H.R. 1955 would virtually give our government the power to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN who voices opposition to the U.S. Government for any reason, not merely domestic terrorists and violent political radicals.
For example, if you publically disagreed with the U.S. Government for committing unconstitutional acts, then YOU could be considered a domestic terrorist or a political radical, at least. This is not merely a bad piece of legislation, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and a DIRECT THREAT to our FREEDOM.
Nonetheless, H.R. 1955 actually passed the U.S. House of Representatives on October 23, 2007 by a vote of 404 in favor to 6 opposed. The bill now goes on to a vote in the Senate and a signature by the President.
Additionally, on August 1, 2007, Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME] and Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN] introduced a bill in the Senate to establish a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism "and for other purposes"... This Senate bill is entitled S. 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This Senate bill is in the first step of legislation, having been passed to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs for review.
YOU MUST CONTACT YOUR SENATORS NOW and TELL THEM to KILL BOTH OF THESE BILLS in the Senate. You should tell your senators, in no uncertain terms, that THEY WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS if they support these bills.
If you agree that these bills are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and are a THREAT to our FREEDOM, you should sign this petition expressing OPPOSITION to H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, as well as OPPOSITION to Senate bill S. 1959, which is also called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.
This is not about one political party versus another. H.R. 1955 and S. 1959 represent overwhelmingly bipartisan Congressional attempts to suppress our Freedom of Speech and to criminalize our AMERICAN RIGHT to OPPOSE THE GOVERNMENT.
It's time for YOU, as Americans with a proud heritage of opposition to the government, to stand up and make yourself heard, WHILE YOU STILL CAN!
The Undersigned
I contacted my Senator via E-mail and I was given the big green weenie with no lube(Marine term, sorry)
Dear Mr.("Furious"):
Thank you for contacting me regarding the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (S. 1959). I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this matter.
It is important to work in a bipartisan matter to establish policy that will secure the safety of our nation for the future. You may be certain that I will work to promote policies and legislation to strengthen our national security without infringing upon the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens. S. 1959 is currently awaiting further consideration by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. Though I am not a member of the committee, I will keep your concerns in mind as my colleagues and I consider S. 1959 and other relevant legislation during the 110th Congress.
I appreciate having the opportunity to represent you in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
United States Senator
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856
I'm still walking funny as we speak.
Digg this story, or fark it or any form of word spreading you choose. The word needs to be spread.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
10:04 AM
Full of Hot Air
The Story.
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has made some pretty idle threats towards the United States recently. But what else is new? This guy is full of hot air.
Venezuela is about to hold a vote that will get rid of the amount of times Hugo Chavez can run for president. Giving him the opportunity to be president of Venezuela indefinitely. He's threatened actions against not only his own people but other countries if they oppose this vote. Not just taking actions against the vote but thinking bad about it. What a crack pot.
Oil makes up 90% of Venezuela economy and the United States is it's biggest customer. And the U.S. is one of the few countries in the world that can refine his low-quality crude oil. You should never bite the hand that feeds you. He really can't sell the oil anywhere else. His new buddy in Iran can't buy it for him, they definitely don't need the oil. What a D-bag.
So on that note. In case you are not aware, Venezuela's fuel is supplied at Citgo gas stations all over the U.S. I haven't bought gas from this company in a very long time and I suggest you don't either. (Although it angers me that it's usually 1-2 cents cheaper than chevron) =\
Posted by
A Furious Mind
9:25 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
A Tidal Wave of Immigrants drowns the U.S.
The Story.
This is a major problem and it's only going to get worse. There are reasons why we have laws to control this kind of stuff. And the U.S. has been so much of a pushover on so many issues, it's killing our economy. We're a push over of late in our foreign policies and military conflicts and we're a push over on our liberal minded government spending, and we're a push over on our security to our borders.
This needs to be fixed now and we need a president that will fix this problem as soon as he's elected. I'm about to vigilanty my happy ass to the border (Nuevo Laredo isn't far from me) and deter some illegals from stealing my money and my jobs.
I fear that our national language will change from: English to something more scary: Spanish parts of the country English.
It's time to take a stand and fix this before it gets out of control. Let's bring a large number of our troops home and patrol the borders.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
8:26 PM
Memorable movie quotes from the movie 300, related to the Ron Paul campaign against non-believers and doubters.
Xerxes (Mainstream Media): There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of Sparta(The Ron Paul Campaign) from the histories. Every piece of greek parchment(constitution) shall be burned. And every greek historian(true american), and every scribe(internet supporter) shall have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouth. Why, uttering the very name of Sparta(The Ron Paul Campaign), or Leonididas(Ron Paul) will be punishable by death. The world will
never know you existed at all.
King Leonidas (Ron Paul):
The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant(mainstream media), that
few stood against many, and that before this battle is over, even a god-king(mainstream media) can bleed.
Our ancestors(founding fathers) built this wall(constitution) using ancient stones from the bosom(blood, sweat & tears) of Greece herself. And with a little Spartan(The Ron Paul campaign) help, your Persian scouts (top tier candidate supporters) supplied the mortar.
King Leonidas:
Immortals...(top tier republicans 'RhINOs') We'll put their name to the test.
Dilios(Ron Pauls Inspirational Message):
He (Ron Paul) did not wish tribute, nor song, or monuments or poems of war and valor (Like Rudy). His wish was simple. "Remember us"(Remember the Constitution!) he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place(Independance Hall), in all the countless centuries yet to be. "May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the
Spartans(Ron Paul Supporters), passerby, that here by Spartan(constitution) law, we lie." And so my king died, and my brothers died; barely a year ago. Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory, but time has proven him wise, for from free Greek(American) to free Greek(American), the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300(small grassroots supporters), so far from home, laid down their lives(donations)... not just for Sparta(The Ron Paul Campaign), but for
all Greece(America) and the promise this country holds. Now here on this ragged patch of earth called Plateaea, let his hordes face obliteration!
Spartan Army(A restored republic):
Dilios(Ron Pauls Inspirational Message):
Just there the barbarians huddle(top tier republicans), sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers... knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300(Ron Paul grassroots), yet they stare now across the plane at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks... HA-OOH!
Spartan Army(A restored Republic):
Dilios(Ron Pauls Inspirational Message):
The enemy outnumber us a paltry 3 to 1, good odds for any Greek(Ron Paul supporter). This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a world brighter than anything we can imagine, Give thanks men, to Leonidas(Ron Paul) and the brave 300! TO VICTORY!
[after the army(Ron Paul supporters) starts marching in the fields, talking nervously] What should we do?
Theron(Mainstream media):
What can we do?
King Leonidas(Ron Paul):
[scoffs] What can you do? Sparta(America) will need sons (of liberty)!
Stelios(Apathetic American voter):
It is an honor to die(have you cure my apathy) at your side. King Leonidas(Ron Paul): It is an honor to have (You cure my skepticism) lived at yours.
Persian(Mainstream Media):
A thousand nations of the Persian(mainstream media) empire descend upon you. Our arrows(lies and propaganda) will blot out the sun!Stelios(Ron Paul supporters): Then we will fight in the
Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas(Ron Paul). They may be your last as king.
King Leonidas(Ron Paul):
[to himself: thinking] "Earth and water"? (Freedom and Liberty?)
[Leonidas unsheathes and points his sword at the Messenger's throat]
Madman! You're a madman! (you're a kook. the constitution is a radical idea!)
King Leonidas(Ron Paul):
Earth and water(Freedom and Liberty?)? You'll find plenty of both down there.
No man, Persian(MSM) or Greek(True American), no man threatens a messenger(with truth and logical thinking!)!
King Leonidas(Ron Paul):
You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persia (interviewer). Perhaps you should have done the same!
This is blasphemy! This is madness!
King Leonidas(Ron Paul):
[Kicks the messenger(interviewer) down the well]
So yea, I was extremely bored and wanted to pass the time while I wait for the Money Bomb totals to climb and climb. But the message is the same. We do fight repression from tyrannical leaders. Vote Ron Paul for 2008!
Posted by
A Furious Mind
12:39 PM
More love from those Radical Muslims
The Story.
A teacher in the U.K. allowed her students to refer to a Teddy Bear as Mohammed, the prophet for the muslim faith. Ms. Gibbons was even arrested and sentenced to 15 days in prison for this.
Now protestors in Sudan are wielding knives and calling for the death of Ms. Gibbons for her insult to their prophet.
When are people going to learn that this is not a religion of peace. Maybe I should kill View Askew Pictures owner, Kevin Smith, the creators of 'Dogma' for making a Buddy Christ, mocking my savior! Or maybe I'll just go have a moonpie and chill the hell out.
mmmmmmmmmmm, moonpie.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
12:21 PM
Hostage Situation
Now that title isn't a cleaver line for some spin off on some opinion I've formulated. There's an actual hostage situation going on as we speak.
Apparently there is a hostage situation going on in the headquarters for the Hillary Clinton campaign.
A 40 year old or so man, with salt and pepper har, barged into the HQ where about 5 people were. He immediately released a woman with a baby and is holding at lesat 3 people hostage. The mother and the baby went to a pharmacy next door and called 911.
The Story.
I really don't know what this man is accomplishing. I can appreciate patriotism, but not in this manner. Try different tactics to obtain your political goal or express your voice. No need to put anyone in harms way. My heart goes out to the families being held hostage and god bless to them all.
Also, the Barack Obama and John Edwards camps in NH have been vacated in fear of more situations like this.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
12:06 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Around and around we go...
...Where we stop, only Rudy knows.
Now i'm not really one to stick to a single topic or sling mud. I'm against negative campaigns and that's why I feel Hillary Clinton is slipping in national polls a bit. I also feel that's why Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani are slipping a bit in national polls because if they're immature arguing and name calling. The American people want adults to run this country.
So on that note, i'd like to apologize but since Rudy Giuliani is a front runner, and I do not support him, I have to stick with information being provided. Whether it's true or not, I'll let you decide.
Apparently Rudy Giuliani used New York funds for his cheating on his second wife to go spend time in the Hamptons with his future wife, and now third wife, Judith Nathan. Spending tax payer money to cheat seems kinda... I don't know... what's the word i'm looking for? Dirty...
The Story.
I agree with the guy in the video. It does appear that Rudy is a ticking time bomb and the hope that the democrats are looking for to win the Oval Office.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
1:04 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
There's something about Mary Rudy...
We're all quite familiar with this video. (well i'm sure the majority of us interneters are)
But is there more to Rudy Giuliani then meets the eye? I can definitely understand a one time thing like this video clip here. But is this a common trend for the former mayor of New York City? I can't be the only one who finds this disturbing. In fact, when I opened the video really quick to grab the embed code, my 2 year old walked into the room and yelled, "EWWW!"
Here's some other pictures that I stumbled upon while browing through the internet.
Nice panties Mr. Mayor.
There have been a couple of questions raised when it comes to Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. In a previous article I wrote, I stumbled upon a website ( of current NYFD members and the families of the fallen Fire fighters during 9/11. I was shocked to read that they did not like this man.
(click each name/link to see their testimony)
Deputy Chief Jim Riches, FDNY: "He's not the hero of 9/11."
Rosaleen Tallon, sister of Sean Patrick Tallon, Ladder 10, FDNY: "He didn't do what was needed."
Al Regenhard, Detective Sergeant, NYPD (ret.): "Giuliani told the 9/11 Commission that some fire fighters got killed because they ignored the order to evacuate. That's despicable." (THIS one is a must see!)
Alexander Santora, Chief of Safety, FDNY (ret.): "Put the onus where it belongs...[he] hasn't done that."
Steve Cassidy, President UFA Local 94, FDNY: "We could never, never support Rudy Giuliani for president."
Jack McDonnell, President, UFOA Local 854, FDNY: "Effective leadership never existed."
Eddie Brown, Trustee, UFA Local 94, FDNY: "It makes me upset to hear him called a hero."
Pete Gorman, Former President, UFOA Local 854, FDNY: "Rudy Giuliani is no friend of fire fighters."
Now although this is a lengthy post of quotes. The reason why I felt the need to post each one that I found was that I feel that each man and woman deserves the right to have their voice heard by everyone.
A comment back in April of Rudy Giuliani stating that he knows war and terrorism better then anyone else running for president, is starting to get me thinking. After some research, what a rude and inappropriate comment towards John McCain. We all know about John McCains heroism during vietnam. Where was Rudy during vietnam?
According to Jon Soltz, an Iraq vet, America's Mayor is a draft dodger. Apparently Rudy Giuliani received numerous draft deferments while a student in school. Which I give him props for and more power to him. We need more educated people in this world. But when he got out of school and became a law clerk his application for a deferment was rejected and Rudy asked a federal judge who he was clerking for to petition on his behalf to the Draft Board. The judge did so and the request was granted.
Now most recently, i've heard complaints about the Ron Paul campaign for accepting donations from a neo-nazi group leader, Stormfront, named Don Black in the amount of $500. A lot argue to say that Ron Paul for accepting this donation makes him a neo nazi, a man who hates blacks and other racists different from his own.
Another donation received by the Ron Paul campaign from Nevada's Bunny Ranch owner, Dennis Hof. After Mr. Hof listened to Ron Paul for 20 minutes, his first time listening to him, he was hooked and had to do everything he could to get Ron Paul elected. So he donated to the campaign and said he'd take a collection at the ranch to donate more funds.
Now i'm pretty sure that Ron Paul wasn't pro-prostitution in his speech. Although some would argue he'd made comments about being pro-prositution. In fact Dr. Paul has made a few comments that he opposes the regulation of prostitution onthe federal level. He believes that the states should decide what's legal and illegal in regards to this "profession". That's how a true constitutionalist responds.
Those men have nothing to do with Ron Pauls campaign. They are not apart of it in any way, but lets look at a member of Rudy's campaign. Rudy's South Carolina campaign chairman, Thomas Ravenel, has been indicted on cocaine charges from a federal court. Here's a man who was chosen to lead in his campaign.
Now flip the coin from the Rudy supporters who think Ron Paul is a bad man for these donations. According to recent releases on Rudy has by far received more donations for his campaign by Casinos and gambling institutions.
Just like Ron Paul, he received donations from something that is illegal in most states. But the Moonlite BunnyRanch is a legal business in the State of Nevada. Just like these businesses are for the Rudy campaign. So I guess my point is, who decides which donation is right and which donation is wrong. None of these donators are breaking any laws. None of their lifestyles make them less American. They have every right to donate and vote for who they choose. That's what's great about our country, the diversity.
Although I don't agree with the casino industry, or the prostitution business, or the neo nazi movement. I really doubt that Rudy Giuliani is a compulsive gambler, crack headed, criminal. Just like Ron Paul isn't a racist neo nazi who pimps on the weekends. In fact, Ron Paul has been married to the same woman for over 50 years and still calls her 3 times a day while he's on the road. Can't say that much for Rudy, hell he even married his second cousin.
...There's something about Rudy.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
3:56 PM
USA Today AD
A guy took out an ad the other day with the USA Today paper. He paid for the entire thing by himself and put a lot of effort, with others help, in the design and messge. It cost him around $80,000 to do this. And I really don't care who you are or what presidential candidate has this sort of ad in the paper or on tv, or how long of a shot or how certain they are to win. (rambling off)
This is an awesome looking ad. It's a two piece ad, click both of them to view them in a larger format.
If for some reason you're unable to click on them or cannot read them or get them enlarged. Here's a synopsis of what the message says.
The Founding Fathers...
...warned of the dangers of foreign entanglements. Now thousands of our men and women suffer and die to the hands of enemies whose rise to power we once funded. Ron Paul will bring our troops home now, and keep us out of entangling alliances.
...warned of the dangers of excessive taxation. Now we must labor nearly six months of the year to pay our taxes at all levels as the economy groans beneat this cruel burden. Ron Paul will reduce taxes and phase out the IRS.
...warned of the dangers of government spending. Now our growing national debt stands at nine trillion dollars and our children are debt slaves from the day they are born. Ron Paul will stop spending beyond our means and balance the Federal budget.
...warned of the dangers of a Central Bank (Federal Reserve) and a debt-based, fiat monetary system. Now our government can borrow and spend endlessly while destroying the value of our savings. Ron Paul will stop run-away inflation by restoring honest money.
...warned us to obey the Constitution because power corrupts. Now a secretive government can spy on us and detain us at will under the guise of "National Security." Ron Paul will restore individual rights, liberty, and habeas corpus.
...warned us to keep our nation sovereign and independent. Now we submit to UN and NAFTA authority, as our borders carelessly left open to legions of illegal immigrants. Ron Paul will secure our borders and will put America and Americans first.
...warned that a federal government big enough to give us everything we want is strong enough to take everything we have. Now we are servants to a government to which we've traded self-reliance for entitlement programs and "free" handouts that our funded by our wages. Ron Paul will stop government redistribution of our paychecks and shrink the size of our federal government.
What a strong message. Times really haven't changed all that much in the last 235 years. Only the size of government.
This man is a wealth of knowledge that we all need to learn something from. Check out these websites, you'll be glad you did. and and
Posted by
A Furious Mind
10:49 AM
Dirty Politics
The Story.
With Hillary Clinton slipping in the polls, things are getting nasty between her and Obama. Apparently she doesn't realize that the reason why shes' slipping is because of her dirty politics. Well that and she's a flip flopper that will kill this country worse then Bush. The Clinton campaign says it's because of a vast difference in ideas and they think the public should be aware about it. But save that kind of stuff for the debates.
Hillary Clinton:
"I think that I bring unique experience -- 35 years of experience, including the eight years in the White House where I was actively involved in issues both here at home and around the world."
I've been saying it for years! She was the witch that ran the white house. It reminds me of an old joke I was told once:
Bill, Al, and Hillary all die in a plane crash. Upon reaching Heaven, they are escorted as important personages directly to see God. God looks at Bill and asks, "Bill, you've sinned a great deal. Why should I allow you to enter into Heaven?"
"Well, gee, God," replies Bill, "I'm the Pres-ee-dent of the United States. I've been trying to help people - you know give them universal health care and protect them from those mean-spirited Republicans who want to starve their children and throw sick old people out into the street."
God considers this a moment and says, "Oh, okay. Sit over here on my left."
He turns to Al. "Al, why should I let you into Heaven?"
"Well, Lord, I'm the Vice President of the United States. I've tried to protect the environment from abuse by those mean-spirited Republicans and even wrote a very important book about it."
God thinks a moment and says, "All right. Sit over here on my right."
Now, Hillary, tell me why I should let *you* into Heaven."
"Well, God, it's like this. I'm the First Lady, the Co-President and, by the way, I think you're sitting in my seat."
Yea, not the funniest thing, but it makes me giggle and it paints an accurate picture.
When can we get out of the Junior High realm of politics and start acting like adults? I think if we are going to have diry politics, it should be physical, with a wrestling mat, mud and announcers. Let the best *man* win.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
10:32 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Week 12 Winner
Congrats to the winner of this week. Deb!
In fact, two out of three girls playing kicked the crap out of the boys. So congrats to the girls.
It was actually a tie this week between Deb and Tricia. But since Tricia failed to respond to my multiple letters (frown face), and she didn't pick a total score for monday night football, the default win goes to Deb who had 28 points. And on a side note, what a crappy MNF game. 3 poings? great game Big Ben.
Player picks:
Deb: 12-4 (winner)
Tricia: 12-4
David: 10-6
Eiad: 10-6
Squish: 10-6
Rob: 9-7
Jonathan: 8-8
Danielle: 7-9
Professionals Picks:
Hoge: 13-3
Wickersham: 11-5
Accuscore: 11-5
Salisbury: 10-6
Schlereth: 10-6
Allen: 10-6
Jaworski: 9-6 (Does not pick MNF)
Mortensen: 9-7
Golic: 9-7
Once again, congrats to all. Compared to the pros we all faired pretty well. There were some shocker losses this week. See you all for next week! Look for the picks to come out on Wednesday. AND DON'T forget your Monday Night football Total score pick for the tie breaker.
Posted by
A Furious Mind
9:23 PM