Sunday, November 18, 2007

You can win with Chuck Norris on your side.

I can't say that I support the man above others. He's definitely a good candidate. He's godly compared to Former Mayor of NYC, you know the guy who was there, at that time, and held a leadership role. Yea him, Rudy Giuliani. He's also way better then Hillary Clinton.

It's really nice to see a candidate use humor to pitch his candidacy. Too bad these jokes are old and over used. But still funny nonetheless.

My plan to secure the border? Two words... Chuck Norris. lol

It's also nice to see another candidate see what kind of crock the IRS is. Hopefully that's something that'll catch on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I use to think Chuck Norris was a smart man and certainly enjoyed his shows on t.v. however, with him now choosing to back that Idiot Huckabee, he's lost my interest in any thing he might do on t.v. or movies. Chuck Norris go back to Hollywood where you might still have a chance of doing something positive with you mind instead of backing idiots like Hucky boy. We dont' need a Baptist in the White House either.