Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 11 Winner

Well congrats goes out to the winner of this week, but I have to say that the winner was me. =D

It was a really good week for football, only one upset that I saw of. Pittsburgh =\

And the Patriots are still the best team in football with a dominating win over Buffalo, 56-10 in the 3rd quarter until they took out all their starters.

Players Picks:

David: 14-2
Eiad: 10-6
Deb: 10-6
Danielle: 8-8

Professional Picks:

Hoge: 14-2
Mortensen: 14-2
Jaworski: 13-2 (no MNF pick)
Accuscore: 13-3
Schlereth: 12-4
Golic: 12-4

Allen: 11-5
Wickersham: 10-6
Salisbury: 10-6

I know it's a holiday week and this event is still new for A Furious Mind, but lets see if we can get more people to play for next weeks games. The picks will have to be in earlier this week due to the fact of Thanksgiving. There will be two games played on that day so picks will need to be in by Wednesday Night. I'll have the game matchups for you by either tonight or early tomorrow. Good luck all and Happy Thanksgiving.

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